вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

emancipation of robert sadler


My Memory has become a glass



over the Grass Blades,

Submerged within its depths.

As my feet stamp

����������� �� �������������������� Trample

����������� ����������� ����������������������������������� Parade over the leaves

I feel a sensation overtaking my being,

Piercing something within me.

The glass lodges itself there nourishing,


Pulsating parasitic beings,

they break away

when they tire of their feast.

I can not fight it.

I can not remove the glass fragments.


they throb, sending feelings throughout my body.



Freezing my blood into a slushy mixture.

The blood becomes harder now,

busting my veins.

Stopping my heart.

When the glass is finished it rejoins the grass

writhing in its depths.

Attempting to look at the glass.

�Searching in the grass for its curves and piercing edges,

Proves too demanding.

My heart begins to beat again.

I can feel the stickiness

that thawing slushy mixture,

the metallic goo that covers my feet.

But as I try to inspect it,

I see naked feet. Nothing more.

I again step on the ground



No longer stamping,

No longer trampling.

No longer parading.

Meekly. Shuffling.

I try to avoid the parasitic glass, try to keep my heart beating.

Somehow, I can feel the glass enter my being

again. Enter Again.�Enter. Again. Enter Me again.�

Ent. Er. Me. Again. Me again.

Again Unavoidable,


�I begin to wonder: Perhaps the glass never existed.

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