пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

colorado farm ranch land for sale

some meaning must inhere in whatapos;s not said

by any of the folk who claim our time

with words as filled with music as with slime

and promises to scare off all the dread

thatapos;s come upon us now the wiser head

knows what is common and what things are prime

those measures suited for a harsher clime

like ours now that the heroes are all dead

so that we listen all the claimants shout

enough to shake the earth and raise up high

those who have passed beneath the heavy soil

but none of us knows what itapos;s all about

or can discern small truth from the big lie

without expenditure of too much toil

colorado farm ranch land for sale, colorado farm ranch sale, colorado farm ranch sale western.

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