среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

animated cell phone gifs

A friend of mine, for many reasons too long to go into here if you are not already familiar with the story, is going to be staying with me two nights a week for a while. Probably until the situation gets cleared up. Which is okay, Stone and her sweety Sheraya are friends--one helps oneapos;s friends

Now, because of this, I now have my Library (Spare Room, to people with no imagination) picked up, mostly put away (I have five boxes left to deal with), vacuumed, dusted, the rug put down (and vacuumed) and the lamp plugged in. Yayayayay I even, finally, pulled out the blue rocket accent lamp that Witchy and AM gave me and plugged it in. My Library is Done. (Well, except that I have like a ton of books that need to be shelved and those five boxes to deal with) I even emptied a box today :-)


And I went to an interview with a temp agency--they seemed rather coolish toward me, however. I wonapos;t be putting all my eggs in that basket, I assure you. Then in the afternoon, it was off to a Job Fair...a really small one, in Canby. But you never know

Then off to walking with Stone and FriendMary up at Powell Butte. Lovely walk, full moon...needed the flashlights by the time we were done...

All in all, a fabulous and highly productive day

Tomorrow, back over to Belden Abbey to help Sister Guineth :-)
animated cell phone gifs, animated cell phone backgrounds, animated cell phone.

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