понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

basketball ncaa philadelphia ticket

Pro:��Can watch TV and, you know, see.


Itapos;s been above 80 degrees in my house all weekend.� They turned the heat on in our buildings twelve days ago and it was at least twelve days too soon.� What can I�do other than open my windows and use�fans?� Even the cats are sprawled on the hard wood, stretched as far as they can stretch and panting.� So much for conserving energy, you energy-conserving cooperative housing unit.��Goddamn.

I sweat just sitting here. �I tried to furminate cats and trim claws earlier but that was too much activity and I�had to ring out my clothes and put my head in the freezer after five minutes.� Iapos;m resigning myself to season 2 of Project Runway and a puzzle and delicious apple cider from the orchard outing earlier today.� Laughing at my new turquoise prom dress purchase.� Missing Daniel Franco.

Itapos;s been a great weekend for friends.��And trains. �And cats.

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