вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

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We had shortened programs due to the Test Cricket in India but we've still managed to fit in lots of great stories. On Monday, we checked in to find out what the Broncos had been up to and talked about the world of media. On Tuesday, Mike Bowers made his return to the Drive program and spoke about cartoonist Bill Leak who is in hospital after a fall on the weekend. We wish him well.

Monday 20th October� 2008

5:05 NEWS

5:10� Bad boy Broncos.
JONATHON HALL, ABC Reporter in Brisbane.

5:20 Last night's TV - Channel 7 and Rudd, ARIA awards. GLEN DYER, Media Writer for Crikey

5:27 Weather with the Bureau of Meteorology


5:33 Federal Politics with LOUISE YAXLEY


Tuesday 21st October� 2008

5:00 NEWS

5:10 Petrol price wars in Sydney. Associate Professor FRANK ZUMBO from the School of Business Law and Taxation at the University of NSW.

5:20 666's Tim Gavel spoke to Cricket legend BRIAN LARA today in Canberra.


5:27 Weather with the Bureau of Meteorology (6249 6579)

5:30 Federal Politics with LOUISE YAXLEY


5:45 Replay Bill Leak interview with Ross Solly.�
MIKE BOWERS from Chief Photographer from the Sydney Morning Herald.

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.


Today (actually it was yesterday, b/c now 4:10am) we had a family dinner for some kind of holiday (i really dont� know :o), and before that I fasted for 20 hours,� and then I ate about 200-300 calories.
Also, I was with my aunt all the time, and
I found out that she was bulemic.

She told me not to tell anyone. I guess hereapos;s not count.

So when she went to the bathroom, I went to my room to do some sit-ups :)

I even resist all the yummy desserts (cream puff, lemon-creamy cake, aome kind of coockies) *proud*

How was your day?

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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The curious thing about living in a flush-optional household is that I find myself worrying about whether my housemates are sufficiently hydrated. Judging by the color of whatapos;s in the bowl, Iapos;d recommend they drink more water. Theyapos;re big boys though, they can be in charge of monitoring their liquid intake. I will resist the urge to vocalize my concerns.

A friend at work lent me his car yesterday so four of us drove up to Point Reyes and Balinas. Four of us squeezed into a little purple VW Cabrio convertible for a spectacular drive up the coast. We intended to camp but the parks were full up. They say this is the warmest time of year here and thus the most popular time to be camping. Warm? There have been a few days where, around 3pm in the sun, I thought it was almost summer like. Otherwise, this is fall to me for sure. California is cold. Thatapos;s right. The whole damn place. Photos will go on the facebook emporium.

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So the S.O. And I went to dinner.� Spur of the moment thing, as Iapos;m all into spending no money now.� He hasnapos;t been home since Wednesday, though.� Who am I to argue when he asks "Where do you want to eat?"

If you get to my neck of the woods ever, try a fish place called "Sandabs" in Scotts Valley.� It is fantastic.� Theyapos;ve added "Firecracker Shrimp" to the menu.� De-lish� As is everything else. � And they always remember us when we come in (not, to my consternation, because of me, but because of the S.O.apos;s wine knowledge.� He and one of the owners end up talking wine while I eat and drink and yak with the extremely personable waitstaff --- as it should be.�

Aimed at sucking us into to spending more money or not, I still like it. � As I tell the S.O., I respond exceptionally well to begging.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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some meaning must inhere in whatapos;s not said

by any of the folk who claim our time

with words as filled with music as with slime

and promises to scare off all the dread

thatapos;s come upon us now the wiser head

knows what is common and what things are prime

those measures suited for a harsher clime

like ours now that the heroes are all dead

so that we listen all the claimants shout

enough to shake the earth and raise up high

those who have passed beneath the heavy soil

but none of us knows what itapos;s all about

or can discern small truth from the big lie

without expenditure of too much toil

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For the most part last night confirmed my leaning towards Barak Obama. My family is Republican. I have voted Republican in the past but now......I remember in 2000 when Bush was running for election and�Christians were so excited to have an�Evangelical in office (well the Evangelicals were at least). I�was excited too as an Evangelical/Pentecostal Chrstian. And then everything went wrong. We thought that if we put somone in office who�shared our values that everything would turn out fine. We were tired of the moral failings of Bill Clinton, we were tired of seeing our�beliefs scorned and left out of the�potitical discussion. Eight�years later I can only wonder, "What were we thinking?" He sure�looked good on paper, but�that was about it. And maybe if we had taken the time to really�consider who we were�voting for we would have�hesitated, maybe not. There is so much information out there. It is dfficult to really completely vet a�candidate. Bush, who had virtually no foreign affairs experience, served during a time when foreign affairs experience was needed more than anything else. All of the moral issues were still�present, of course, and yes�some�strides were made to hold back the tide of immoral�liberalism.�However, that was a sideshow. And�this President who was elected because�he was an Evangelical Christian,�because he was an honest man, because he was not a philanderer, turned out be�a far worse President than anyone could have�imagined. We elected a man who lied to start a war. We elected a man�who roled back civil liberties for Americans and denied basic human rights to our enemies. We elected�man who inceased the deficit and left�the economy in ruins with his laissez-faire let the corporations police themselves kind of economics.�

So this election I will vote for the man I think will make best President regardless of his�religious beliefs. I will not vote for one or the other candidate because of one issue. I will consider the issues as a whole. I donapos;t like Obamaapos;s�stand on abortion, and I never will. However before McCain realized�he needed to pander�to�the religious right he was pro-abortion too. And McCain� would place�one of the most inexperienced�vice-presidential nominees a heartbeat from the�center seat. Paulin has�limited experience�as a mayor and governor.�And that is being generous. Her knowledge on foreign policy�is slim to none and she seems to think that drilling will solve our energy crisis. �Paulin is not qualified to be President.�And with a President in his 70apos;s who has battled cancer in the past I am not willing to risk a Paulin Presidency.�

Maybe Obama will turn out�to be a horrible�choice.� But I doubt it. He wants to tax those who can most afford it. That sounds fair to me. The middle class is America. And yet over the last two decades our wages have stagnated while Corporate CEOapos;s who owe their jobs�to�good ol boy networks and personalities (minus the brains) have reaped millions in compensation while driving their corporations into�the ground. The wealthy can afford to�pay higher taxes. The middle class struggles to send their children to school and pay�for health insurance. They need the tax breaks, not the wealthy.�

Obama wants to make health coverage affordable�for Americans. In the United States almost 50�million people are uninsured or underinsured. This is ridiculous.�We are the�wealthiest nation in the world�and�not�everyone here can afford to go to the�doctor. Prescription drugs are outrageously expensive. Why?�A number of�reasons not all the�fault of corporations but you can bet greed figures into it. Every American has a right�to affordable, basic health coverage.�

Senator Obama�merely by being elected will change�world opinion of the United States. Our standing�has suffered tremendously�with other nations in�the past eight years.�Just by electing him, we are telling�the rest of the world�that we are changing directions. We need to change directions in our foreign policy. We have made too many enemies. We�have lost allies. We have spread our focus too thin (Iraq) wihout completing our main objectives (such as catching Bin Ladin). �The Bush�doctrine�has been�a failure; it has made our nation less secure instead of more secure.�

The last eight years have been years of greed and deregulation. Corporations take for granted the hard working�employees who make them money. Pensions have been replaced by 401-Kapos;s loaded down with company stock. Health�coverage has been�eliminated or�premiums have increased. This is what has�happened to employees fortunate enough to not have had their jobs shipped overseas in an effort to cut costs. �Deregulation has benefited the corporations in the shortrun while in the long run it has undermined the economy and brought us to the greatest financial disaster since the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Obama will increase regulation hold corporations accountable (or at least more accountable than the Republicans).

So I will vote for Obama. I may not agree with everything he stands for but as a whole I agree with his policies more than McCainapos;s and I think he is the best man for the job.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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We hadden om 9.40 een afspraak bij het consultatieburo, dachten we dat we op tijd waren vertrokken waren we nog 5 minuten te laat Dus David kon meteen op de weegschaal; 6050 gram alweer 2 kilo erbij in 2 maanden en 58,5 cm lang. Het gaat dus hartstikke goed ze keek nog even in zijn mond omdat we eerst dachten dat hij spruw had, maar hij heeft er verder geen last van en we kregen het zelf weg dus het zal het wel niet zijn volgens de arts. Blijft toch altijd weer zielig die prikjes, al was David net zo stoer als grote zus Lisa, alleen tijdens de prikken wat huilen en dat was snel weer over (grote naald in zo'n klein beentje). Lisa was ondertussen de boel aan het verbouwen en papa ruimde het weer op, meteen de nieuwe afspraak gemaakt op 25 november (dan krijgt David weer prikjes) en ik vroeg maar meteen wanneer Lisa weer moest (ik wist dat het rond haar 2e verjaardag was) dus we konden gelijk een afspraak na die van David maken wel zo makkelijk. Nu liggen ze beide te pitten dus vandaar dat ik dit verhaal even kan typen. ;-)

Ja onze Miniman groeit alweer hard ik heb het even opgezocht en lisa woog rond dezelfde periode (2 weken ouder) 6120 en was wel wat langer; 62 cm.

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

batesville newspaper

My eyes are parched. Iapos;m pretty sure that if I could extricate myself from my seat, and walk over to the restroom to consult the mirror, I would find networks of burning red capillaries criss-crossing my eyes.

The lack of sleep is a constant source of irritation in my life. Some thrive in the night and engage in all sorts of "happening" activities, be they legal or otherwise. I just wish that I could switch body clocks with them. An owl I am not.

On bad days like these, my head feels numb and heavy, and I�probably take an extra 5 seconds to respond to a colleagueapos;s simple "how are you?". I could be bleeding from multiple stab wounds and not realise it until I paint my seat crimson. Perhaps this is why sleep deprivation seems to be such an important component of army training. Sleepy soldiers donapos;t feel pain, and an amy of soldiers who donapos;t feel pain is probably the best tactical advantage any general could wish for.

Coffee could have become my best friend, if not for the fact that caffeine leads to trembling fingers, a sharp increase in the frequency of visits to the restroom, and a tendency to speak at twice the usual speed. As such, I usually turn to my trusty hardwood desk for stimulation --- it does a great job breaking the fall of my head when I collapse from sheer exhaustion. So far, the resulting impact has not failed to jolt me wide awake.�

I have also tried playing music and eating sweets/tidbits to stay awake. Both failed miserably. Somehow, music not only soothes this savage beast, but also lures him to lala land. Especially jazz, pop, rock, classical, alternative, RB, blues, folk, country, techno, trance and house (did I miss any genres?). I stopped eating sweets when I discovered that there was a real possibility of choking if I fell asleep.

I miss the days when I could afford to take afternoon naps. Or just watching TV�until I fell asleep on the couch. Unfortunately, my glorious days as a student are far behind me.

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A friend of mine, for many reasons too long to go into here if you are not already familiar with the story, is going to be staying with me two nights a week for a while. Probably until the situation gets cleared up. Which is okay, Stone and her sweety Sheraya are friends--one helps oneapos;s friends

Now, because of this, I now have my Library (Spare Room, to people with no imagination) picked up, mostly put away (I have five boxes left to deal with), vacuumed, dusted, the rug put down (and vacuumed) and the lamp plugged in. Yayayayay I even, finally, pulled out the blue rocket accent lamp that Witchy and AM gave me and plugged it in. My Library is Done. (Well, except that I have like a ton of books that need to be shelved and those five boxes to deal with) I even emptied a box today :-)


And I went to an interview with a temp agency--they seemed rather coolish toward me, however. I wonapos;t be putting all my eggs in that basket, I assure you. Then in the afternoon, it was off to a Job Fair...a really small one, in Canby. But you never know

Then off to walking with Stone and FriendMary up at Powell Butte. Lovely walk, full moon...needed the flashlights by the time we were done...

All in all, a fabulous and highly productive day

Tomorrow, back over to Belden Abbey to help Sister Guineth :-)
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